Check Back january 2023
The Battle Born Hockey School Adult Camp is offered to participants 21 years of age and older for all skill levels. Each camp will be broken down into 2 different skill level groups:
Novice/Intermediate and Intermediate/Advanced with each group being limited to a maximum of 40 skaters. The individual skill level of each player will be determined at the first skate of camp and the coaching staff will divide the groups so each camp member receives the most appropriate training possible.
The Novice/Intermediate group will consist of players that are beginners to mid Adult B level and the Intermediate/Advanced group will consist of players that are Upper Adult B level to Adult A level. The practices for each group will be tailored to provide the most appropriate instruction for each respective skill level working on skating, edge work, puck handling, shooting, passing, positioning, and offensive/defensive tactics and strategies.
Each player will receive 8.75 hours of high intensity on ice training, 4 hours of hockey specific dryland training, and 2.75 hours of stretching, mobility, and athletic recovery over the course of 4 days. The camp will conclude with a full scrimmage offering a chance to display all the new skills that you will have in the game of hockey.
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